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Ignite your leadership to drive positive impact and exceptional results

By designing and delivering tailor-made HR Consulting and Advisory Services, Leadership Programs and Coaching Engagements, we partner with organizations and individuals who want to confidently prepare for the future they envision, with agility, empathy and authenticity.

Claire Kolly, founder of, HR Consultant and Executive Coach in Singapore
Some of our Clients and Partners
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Do you experience any of the following leadership challenges?

When leaders and organizations overlook the importance of soft skills, the impact on HR effectiveness and leadership can be significant:

You experience low employee engagement and customer satisfaction affecting revenue growth, a key concern for your business

You have difficulty in leading change and fostering innovation for future-ready leadership in dynamic business environments

Your lack of clarity and options with regards to your career and growth hinder your path to success

You have challenges in amplifying impact, communication, and collaboration, to drive your growth and success objectives

You struggle to align business efficiency with your company’s goals, reducing your impact and results

Adopt customized HR consulting strategies and leadership programs that nurture impactful and sustainable results

When leaders have access to the space and effective HR consulting tools to help them resolve their most pressing problems and explore future opportunities, they perform at their best. And so do their teams.

Developing leaders who are true role models, a key aspect of our executive coaching and leadership programs.

Getting more opportunities, performing better and staying ahead of the curve through strategic Leadership planning and consulting.

Address workplace issues (attrition, disengagement, burn-out,...) with targeted HR strategies and employee engagement initiatives


Unleash you and your team's leadership potential to achieve real business outcomes

Talent retention and engagement are top priorities for organizations.
You are searching for innovative and practical HR Consulting solutions to motivate, develop and, most importantly, retain your best talent, enabling them to find new growth opportunities and thrive within your organization.​

Create Employee experiences that support your business innovation 

When employees operate in an environment that fosters recognition, inclusion, and development, marked by clarity and authenticity, their commitment to the organization and job satisfaction significantly improve.

This leads to increased revenue and productivity, higher customer satisfaction, better innovation and reduced turnover, key outcomes of strategic and sustainable HR consulting.

Invest in Leadership development as your growth engine

Leaders who strategize, communicate clearly, inspire, deal with difficult conversations, influence, empathize, embrace change, are the leaders you need in your organization for effective leadership development and success.


Soft skills, essential for inspiring leadership, are developed throughout life and experiences, shaping role models people want to follow.

Unlock everyone’s potential for increased confidence & success

Individual contributors and leaders are seeking space and tools for effective talent management, helping them resolve their most pressing problems and explore future opportunities, while maintaining a fine balance between professional imperatives and purpose.


Improved confidence, relationships, and clarity pave the way for sustained growth and success.

Read our clients' success stories

"She is a fantastic coach with a strong sense of empathy and deep experience in the corporate world"

"Claire coached me through some of the most difficult transitions in my career – becoming a mother and simultaneously leading my team through a major change in the company.

She is a fantastic coach with a strong sense of empathy and deep experience in the corporate world. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with her.

Thanks to our sessions, I was able to take on an expanded role in the company and help grow my skills and those of my team members.

I would highly recommend working with Claire."

Jamie, Head of Government Affairs, Healthcare Industry

How we help you create a positive impact

Whether you're looking to improve your Employee Experience with innovative employee engagement strategies, or seeking tailor-made leadership development programs for your team, including executive coaching services and HR strategy consulting, we're with you every step of the way.

Our approach caters to a range of needs from small business HR consulting to corporate coaching services, ensuring your organization is future ready. Together, we build the future you envision with dedicated HR advisory and talent management consulting solutions.

HR Consulting & Advisory

You are a small business, start-up or mid-size organization looking to:

  • Elevate your entire Employee Experience to best in class standards. 

  • Question your current practices and policies and transform them in “business enablers”.

  • Develop awareness and implement People related initiatives to positively impact the world (B Corp & Ecovadis certification).

Leadership Development

You are a HR practitioner or Business Leader looking to:

  • Train upcoming and seasoned leaders to remain relevant and think ahead.

  • Build development experiences that boost retention and develop today and tomorrow’s leaders.

  • Open up perspectives and create learning spaces for leaders who aspire and deliver value with values.

Executive Coaching

You are an organization or individual looking to:

  • Unlock greater confidence, empowerment and success by unlocking your true potential.

  • Ignite thinking, challenge limitations, drive action and deliver results that matter.

  • Identify & solve your and your teams’ most important problems to increase personal and professional fulfilment.

Some of our Clients and Partners
Claire Kolly, founder of, specializing in executive leadership training and HR sustainable transformation consultancy

Claire KOLLY, Founder and Director

I have spent over 20 years in HR and Leadership Development, during which I have worked in global environments, accompanying businesses through complex development and transformations.


Working across diverse teams and cultural boundaries, I thoroughly enjoyed helping leaders navigate changes, making sustainable decisions for their teams and themselves whilst balancing the short-term and long-term impacts within their organizations. 

In 2021, I founded, a culmination of these experiences. We specialize in HR strategy consulting, leadership development and executive coaching services, helping organizations and individuals commit to doing the “right thing” and advancing the "S" in ESG.

We advocate for sustainable, ambitious and human-centred HR practices, development programs, talent management consulting and leadership coaching. Because when people thrive, so do businesses.

Read our clients' success stories

"She can easily convert a workforce to Superforce."

Claire is 'the best' coach I have come across my entire career and sometimes it amazes me that how much beneficial a right coach can be...

She is brilliant in understanding the context, patient in listening & understanding the problem and then simply by effective questioning she can make an individual chart the right path for himself/herself. Which I think makes her a true 'Coach'.

She is an asset to any team, organization & group she is part of & can easily convert a workforce to Superforce.

Yuvraj, Senior Leader, Consulting Services, Refinitiv (London Stock Exchange)

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Ignite your leadership to drive positive impact and exceptional results

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